Nisha and Tami Grewal

Tami and Nisha define sisterhood; they jointly carry their memories, deal with the good and bad together and cherish slouchy sofa time together. Here they share what it’s meant to have each other through the challenges of life and how that inexplicable link between sisters is ever present.

.DH: Tell us about what it means to have a sister, your bond and your friendship with Tami?

Nisha: There’s an unspoken understanding between sisters that only the two of you get. It’s a sort of comfort felt when you are together. We are each others’ protectors, tormentors, playmates, counsellors, sources of envy and objects of pride. Tami and I have always had a special bond, we look so similar we used to pretend we were twins. I still love it when we get the same Christmas presents, so we can match!

Some of my most special memories are of our young childhood. The simplest things mean the most. We used to walk to Woolworths on a Sunday just to look at stationary. Or queue outside Top of the Pops together on a Friday hoping they’d let us in if we didn’t have tickets.

DH: What is it about your friendship and sisterhood that makes you giggle/cry?

Nisha: Tami used to steal all my clothes constantly when we were teenagers and it drove me mad; I quite literally hated sharing! At that time, I can remember clothes being my most prized possession, like my identity out of my school uniform. She used to take things and hide them under her bed and then deny it; the fights we used to have still make me giggle/cry now! These days, I’m always giving her clothes, so I think I must harbour some guilt about it all!

DH: What does it mean in your personal world to be a fashion stylist? Do you cherish clothes/jewellery more or less?

I work with beautiful clothes all the time, so I treasure the pieces that have real meaning for me. My most special possession is a necklace my Dad had made for my 10th birthday with my name on. With a Name like Nisha I could never find it printed on bookmarks or stickers growing up, so it’s incredibly special. Now I’m totally obsessed with having my initials on things, I love the personal touch.

DH: Tell us about what it means to have a sister, your bond and your friendship with Nisha?

Tami: I think having a sister is like a key to your past and to your memories, they share some of the most precious and challenging moments of your life. Somehow, they understand you in a way a friend or a partner can’t. Often Nisha will remember something that I had totally forgotten about from our childhood, or vice versa, which is amazing to re-remember and have lost memories resurface.

DH: What’s tested your relationship with Nisha the most? 

Tami: I used to steal lots of Nisha’s clothes when we were growing up, and she used to HATE it. I’d take her stuff and hide it and lie and say I didn’t have it! Seeing the path Nisha has taken for a career, I can see on reflection that her clothes were important to her and she really mustn’t have liked them held for ransom under my bed!

DH: What would it mean to be apart from your sister? 

Tami: With life moving and changing all the time, I think it’s natural to not speak or see each other as often as when you are younger, but somehow it just doesn’t matter, it always feels the same when we do. We’re always sending little thing, like silly photos or funny stories to each other, there’s always a thread running between us. As life gets more complicated, it becomes more important to make the effort to keep the seemingly everyday stuff present.

DH: Tell us a secret about your friendship with Nisha?

Tami: When we were about 14, Nisha and I would often go and wait at the gates of Elstree Studios; we’d lie about our age and blag our way into Top of the Pops without a ticket. We’d record it at home onto video and then watch it on repeat trying to spot ourselves!

DH: What would a perfect afternoon look like with your sister? 

Tami: It would probably be something simple like tea and chocolate on the sofa and watching films that remind us of when we were little. We love a classic Disney film, or Roald Dahl’s “The Witches”. Nisha does a great impression of this!

Photo Credit @lifeofyablon

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